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Winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year 2024
2024 年度鸟类摄影师大奖得主

The winning entries in this year’s Bird Photographer of the Year competition were just announced. Patricia Homonylo was named the overall winner for her conservation-themed image of the thousands of birds killed in one year by colliding with windows and other reflective surfaces in urban areas. Competition organizers were once more kind enough to share some of the other winners here, selected from a field of more than 23,000 entries.
今年的年度鸟类摄影师比赛的获奖作品刚刚公布。Patricia Homonylo 因其以保护为主题的作品获得了总冠军,该作品展示了一年内因撞击城市地区的窗户和其他反光表面而死亡的成千上万只鸟类。比赛组织者再次慷慨地在这里分享了一些其他获奖作品,这些作品是从超过 23,000 件参赛作品中选出的。

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  • A Modern Dancer. Gold Winner, Comedy Bird Photo. "I was sitting on a Zodiac next to my husband and 10-year-old son near Brown Bluff, Antarctica, when we spotted a group of Adélie penguins on some sea ice. As we slowly approached them, they started to toboggan on the ice, and I captured one of them sliding as if performing a modern dance move." #
    现代舞者。金奖,搞笑鸟类照片。“我和丈夫及 10 岁的儿子坐在布朗布拉夫附近的一个橡皮艇上,看到一群阿德利企鹅在海冰上。当我们慢慢靠近它们时,它们开始在冰上滑行,我拍下了一只企鹅滑行的瞬间,就像在表演现代舞蹈动作一样。”#

    © Nadia Haq / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Nadia Haq / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Playful Fledgling. Silver Winner, Bird Behavior. "This Peregrine falcon fledgling had been flying for over a week and his skills had improved by the day. While he still took food from parents, he had started to practice his hunting skills. He was not good enough to catch live birds in the air yet, so he took baby steps by chasing a fluttering butterfly. He was certainly much faster than the butterfly and also nimble enough to keep up with it. Look at the concentration! He was successful on occasion, caught the butterfly, played with it for a second, then released it." #

    © Jack Zhi / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Jack Zhi / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Surfing on the Other Side. Silver Winner, Birds in the Environment. "In autumn 2022 I had the chance to visit the Falkland Islands. During my last days on the islands, I found an area along a beach where Gentoo penguins surf in the waves when coming back from their hunting dives. After many attempts I got exactly the image I was hoping for." #
    在另一边冲浪。银奖得主,环境中的鸟类。“2022 年秋天,我有机会访问福克兰群岛。在我在岛上的最后几天里,我发现了一片海滩区域,那里有巴布亚企鹅在从捕猎潜水回来时在海浪中冲浪。经过多次尝试,我终于拍到了我希望的图像。” #

    © Levi Fitze / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Levi Fitze / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Eclipse. Silver Winner, Black and White. "Here we see a grey heron as it looks for a roosting place in the top of a dead tree, illuminated by a full moon. Knowing that it was a penumbral lunar eclipse, my guests and I went in search of a distinctive subject to place in front of it. As the heron jostled for position alongside some larger marabou storks, we managed to capture the moment just before the heron flew away." #
    日食。银奖得主,黑白类。“在这里,我们看到一只灰鹭在寻找一个栖息地,位于一棵枯树的顶端,被满月照亮。知道这是一次半影月食,我和我的客人们去寻找一个独特的主体来放在它前面。当鹭与一些更大的秃鹳争夺位置时,我们设法捕捉到了鹭飞走前的那一刻。” #

    © William Steel / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © William Steel / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Swanception. Silver Winner, Best Portrait. "I conceived the idea for this image some time ago, but each time I attempted to turn it into reality one of the elements was not right. It felt like I was in a creative rut and I had not taken an image I was really happy with for a while. On this particular morning, I decided to return to this idea out of desperation. I spotted my local mute swans in their usual spot, preening in the morning light. Fortunately, it was also a crisp morning, and the mist was slowly descending, creating a soft morning glow. After so many attempts, everything finally came together when a swan swam into the perfect spot. Finally, I created the image I had pictured in my mind." #
    天鹅幻象。银奖得主,最佳肖像。“我很久以前就构思了这个图像的想法,但每次尝试将其变为现实时,总有一个元素不对。这让我感觉陷入了创作的困境,已经有一段时间没有拍到让我真正满意的图像了。在这个特定的早晨,我出于绝望决定重拾这个想法。我在平常的地方发现了当地的疣鼻天鹅,它们在晨光中梳理羽毛。幸运的是,那也是一个清爽的早晨,雾气慢慢降下,创造出柔和的晨光。经过多次尝试,当一只天鹅游到完美的位置时,一切终于融合在一起。我终于创造出了我脑海中构想的图像。” #

    © Samual Stone / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Samual Stone / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Immersion. Gold Winner, Birds in the Environment. "Here we see a trio of northern gannets diving into the ocean on a sunny day in Shetland. The species is Scotland’s largest seabird, and they are remarkably adept in the water, with the ability to dive to depths as far as 22 meters. I took this photo while scuba diving from a boat near Noss, which is home to the UK’s seventh largest colony of northern gannets. In the past the population has been estimated at around 25,000 birds, though their numbers were unfortunately severely reduced by the avian flu outbreak. It is unclear when, or if, their population will be able to recover. Dead herring from a local herring fishery were used to attract the birds to the boat." #
    沉浸。金奖得主,鸟类与环境。“在这里,我们看到三只北方塘鹅在设得兰群岛的阳光明媚的日子里潜入海洋。这种鸟类是苏格兰最大的海鸟,它们在水中非常灵活,能够潜到深达 22 米的深度。我是在靠近诺斯的一艘船上进行水肺潜水时拍摄的这张照片,那里是英国第七大北方塘鹅群落的家园。过去,这里的鸟类数量估计约为 25,000 只,但不幸的是,由于禽流感爆发,它们的数量严重减少。目前尚不清楚它们的数量何时或是否能够恢复。我们使用了当地鲱鱼渔场的死鲱鱼来吸引这些鸟到船边。” #

    © Kat Zhou / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Kat Zhou / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • When Worlds Collide. Overall Winner and Gold Winner, Conservation. "Each year during spring and fall migration over 1.3 billion birds die in North America as a result of window collisions. A network of dedicated volunteers heads out each morning to pick up the pieces. For over 30 years FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program) volunteers have patrolled cities worldwide in search of birds that have collided with windows. While their efforts have saved an impressive number of bird collision survivors, the majority do not survive the impact. But the fallen birds are never left behind. Their bodies are collected and their lives honored in the annual ‘Bird Layout’. The Layout brings volunteers together to arrange the dead birds in an emotive and provocative display. While The Layout honors the fallen birds and brings closure for the volunteers, it is also a critical event that raises public awareness and highlights a global issue. I have volunteered with FLAP for four years and attend The Layout annually. From hawks to hummingbirds, this 2022 display includes more than 4,000 birds." #
    当世界碰撞。总冠军和金奖得主,保护类。“每年在春季和秋季迁徙期间,北美有超过 13 亿只鸟因撞击窗户而死亡。一群敬业的志愿者每天早上都会出发去收拾残局。30 多年来,FLAP(致命光线意识计划)的志愿者们在全球各地的城市巡逻,寻找撞上窗户的鸟类。虽然他们的努力挽救了大量的鸟类碰撞幸存者,但大多数鸟类无法幸免于难。然而,倒下的鸟类从未被遗弃。它们的尸体被收集起来,并在年度‘鸟类布局’中被纪念。布局活动将志愿者们聚集在一起,将死去的鸟类排列成一种感性和挑衅的展示。虽然布局活动纪念了倒下的鸟类,并为志愿者们带来了慰藉,但它也是一个重要的活动,旨在提高公众意识并突出全球性问题。我已经在 FLAP 志愿服务了四年,并每年参加布局活动。从鹰到蜂鸟,2022 年的展示包括了超过 4,000 只鸟。” #

    © Patricia Seaton Homonylo / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Patricia Seaton Homonylo / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Treacherous Journey. Gold Winner, Urban Birds. "Goosanders breed in the park about 1 kilometer from Poland’s life-giving River Vistula. Each mother has to move her brood to the river as quickly as possible due to lack of food and safety in the park. They make the journey through a series of underground passages and over a six-lane highway. Each year a group of volunteers help them cross this deadly road by stopping the traffic. After crossing they arrive at the River Vistula where they can feed and grow. This image shows a mother goosander crossing a smaller road because she decided not to use the scary and dark underground passage below it." #
    艰难的旅程。金奖得主,城市鸟类。“秋沙鸭在距离波兰生命之河维斯瓦河约 1 公里的公园里繁殖。由于公园里缺乏食物和安全,每只母鸭都必须尽快将她的幼鸟带到河边。它们通过一系列地下通道和一条六车道的高速公路进行这段旅程。每年都有一群志愿者通过拦截交通来帮助它们穿越这条致命的道路。穿越后,它们到达维斯瓦河,在那里可以觅食和成长。这张照片展示了一只母秋沙鸭正在穿越一条较小的道路,因为她决定不使用下面那个可怕而黑暗的地下通道。” #

    © Grzegorz Dlugosz / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Grzegorz Dlugosz / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Crows Watching TV … Tower. Bronze Winner, Urban Birds. "Berlin Television Tower, the tallest structure in Germany, provides a great background for urban photography. But in January it turned out to be a challenge: I was freezing, it was dark from sunrise to sunset, and pictures were poor. Disappointed, I stumbled upon a mixed hooded crow and jackdaw roost, conveniently positioned against the desired tower." #
    乌鸦看电视……塔。铜奖得主,城市鸟类。“柏林电视塔是德国最高的建筑,为城市摄影提供了绝佳的背景。但在一月份,这成了一个挑战:我在寒冷中拍摄,从日出到日落都是黑暗的,照片效果很差。失望之际,我偶然发现了一群混合的灰头鸦和寒鸦栖息地,恰好位于我想要的塔的背景前。” #

    © Tomáš Grim / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Tomáš Grim / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Scavenger. Gold Winner, Bird Behavior. "In early March 2023, the remains of an American black bear were discovered by hikers along a rushing mountain stream in West Virginia. It was very clear from the large patches of missing fur that the bear had died after a battle with mange. After being informed of the carcass and securing permission, I set up a DSLR camera trap that took images of all the animals that came in to investigate and scavenge off the bear. The set-up remained in place for six months. As the weather warmed in spring, this turkey vulture became a frequent visitor, sometimes spending hours at the carcass." #
    清道夫。金奖得主,鸟类行为。“2023 年 3 月初,徒步旅行者在西弗吉尼亚州一条湍急的山溪旁发现了一只美洲黑熊的遗骸。从大块缺失的毛发可以清楚地看出,这只熊是在与疥癣的战斗中死亡的。在得知尸体并获得许可后,我设置了一台数码单反相机陷阱,拍摄所有前来调查和觅食这只熊的动物。这个装置保持了六个月。随着春天气温回升,这只美洲秃鹫成了常客,有时会在尸体旁待上几个小时。” #

    © Nathaniel Peck / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Nathaniel Peck / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Black Grouse. Bronze Winner, Best Portrait. "For several weeks each year, black grouse gather at leks on spring mornings for courtship and display. It can still be quite wintry and cold. They fly in before sunrise and land in the trees on the edge of the lek. Eventually the males come down, each claiming their patch, and spend a couple of hours sizing each other up, charging at each other, engaging in mostly mock battles. Sometimes, however, the encounters escalate to real fights. The heated breath of a solitary fighter is steaming in the cold air, which I captured while sitting inside a small photography hide, reveling in the sounds and sights of this ancient play." #
    黑琴鸡。铜奖得主,最佳肖像。“每年有几个星期,黑琴鸡会在春天的早晨聚集在求偶场进行求偶和展示。那时天气仍然相当寒冷。他们在日出前飞来,降落在求偶场边缘的树上。最终,雄鸟会下来,各自占据自己的地盘,花几个小时互相打量,冲向对方,进行大多是模拟的战斗。然而,有时这些遭遇会升级为真正的战斗。在寒冷的空气中,一名孤独战士的热气蒸腾,我在一个小摄影隐蔽处捕捉到了这一刻,沉浸在这古老戏剧的声音和景象中。” #

    © Markus Varesvuo / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Markus Varesvuo / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Helmet shrikes Preparing to Sleep. Bronze Winner, Comedy Bird Photo. "We were on a safari, and returning to camp in Sabi Sands, South Africa, on a dark March evening. We stopped, having picked up some unusual sounds, although unsure what they were. Then we heard chattering and fluttering high above us. When illuminated with the lamp on the vehicle, we saw these helmet shrikes huddling together against a night that was starting to turn colder." #
    头盔伯劳准备睡觉。铜奖得主,搞笑鸟类照片。“我们在南非萨比沙地进行野生动物园之旅,三月的一个黑夜返回营地。我们停下来,听到了一些不寻常的声音,但不确定是什么。然后我们听到了高处的喋喋不休和扑腾声。当用车上的灯光照亮时,我们看到这些头盔伯劳挤在一起,抵御逐渐变冷的夜晚。” #

    © Gary Collyer / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Gary Collyer / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Perspective. Young Bird Photographer of the Year 2024, and Gold Winner, 12–14 Years. "I photographed this Eurasian nuthatch at Grazalema in southern Spain using a wide-angle lens. An oak tree next to a river provides cover for species such as woodpeckers and nuthatches coming down to drink. I was using a remote-control set-up, and I just had to wait. Since these species like to climb trunks, I thought about what their vision and perspective would be like." #
    视角。2024 年度青年鸟类摄影师,12-14 岁组金奖得主。“我在西班牙南部的格拉萨莱马拍摄了这只欧亚凤头啄木鸟,使用的是广角镜头。河边的一棵橡树为啄木鸟和凤头啄木鸟等物种提供了掩护,它们会下来喝水。我使用了遥控装置,只需要等待。由于这些物种喜欢爬树干,我想象它们的视角会是什么样子。” #

    © Andrés Luis Domínguez Blanco / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Andrés Luis Domínguez Blanco / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Feeding Frenzy. Bronze Winner, Birds in the Environment. "I was cruising in a Zodiac when I saw a group of cape petrels in the water. As I approached I could see they were feeding on something, along with giant petrels and snow petrels. I had my big underwater rig with me and thought it was a chance for a split sea surface photo. As I slowly drifted closer, I noticed all the birds were too busy feeding to care about me being around. So I ‘parked’ the boat next to some ice, leaned over the side and dropped my underwater housing in the water, then waited for the birds to come close. I really wanted to capture a photo showing both above and below the surface. Even though we cannot see exactly what they are feeding on, I love this perspective of both worlds in one shot." #
    觅食狂潮。环境中的鸟类铜奖得主。“我在乘坐橡皮艇时看到一群海角鹱在水中。当我靠近时,我看到它们在进食,还有巨鹱和雪鹱。我带着我的大型水下设备,认为这是拍摄海面分割照片的机会。当我慢慢漂近时,注意到所有的鸟都忙于进食,根本不在意我的存在。所以我把船‘停’在一些冰旁边,靠在船边,把我的水下外壳放入水中,然后等待鸟儿靠近。我真的想拍摄一张显示水面上下两个世界的照片。尽管我们无法确切看到它们在吃什么,但我喜欢这种两个世界在一张照片中的视角。” #

    © Jonas Beyer / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Jonas Beyer / 年度鸟类摄影师
  • Heavenly Elegant Flight. Silver Winner, Birds in Flight. "In the dead of winter, I marvel at the aerial ballet of the garden birds that come to visit my trees and to take advantage of the seeds that I put out for them. Discreetly hidden, I tried to immortalize their flight and its delicate trail using a flash and camera in ‘rear curtain’ mode. The mission was challenging and these mischievous little models followed their own dance. However, it is precisely this spontaneity that makes the photographic challenge exhilarating! Hundreds of shots were required before I captured the perfect moment, which portrayed the fleeting magic of nature in winter." #
    优雅的飞行。飞行中的鸟类银奖得主。“在寒冬中,我惊叹于来访我家树木并享用我放出的种子的花园鸟类的空中芭蕾舞。我隐蔽地尝试用闪光灯和‘后帘同步’模式的相机捕捉它们飞行的瞬间。这项任务充满挑战,这些调皮的小模特们按照自己的舞步行动。然而,正是这种自发性使得摄影挑战令人兴奋!经过数百次拍摄,我终于捕捉到了完美的瞬间,展现了冬季自然的短暂魔力。” #

    © Nicolas Groffal / Bird Photographer of the Year
    © Nicolas Groffal / 年度鸟类摄影师
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